
Local Long-term Climate Strategies (LLCS) are an excellent tool to develop and steer local climate action. On one hand they serve as a roadmap that helps to lay out changes required in each sector, and how those can interact with each other. On the other hand preparation of an ambitious LLCS provides an opportunity to engage with a variety of relevant local stakeholders to incorporate variety of viewpoints and preferences, strive towards buy in and support the implementation of the strategy.  The project supports concrete climate action at the local level by supporting pilot cities in developing these strategies, by providing guidance on designing and implementing Local Long-term Climate Strategies, training municipal staff and by kick-starting relevant actions and cities' campaigns.

Each LLCS should set out long-term goals and provide guidelines for local actions, investments and innovation in the short term. Having a concrete vision and set of targets in the long-term perspective (often in time perspective until 2050), allows to define and gain support for concrete, short-term local actions necessary to overcome socio-ecological challenges and manage a fair transition to local net-zero emission economies.