On 12 June 2024, the first national workshop organised within the framework of the Ready4NetZero project took place in Jadwisin for representatives of the participating Polish pilot cities. The workshop was attended by representatives of the city of Cieszyn, Siemiatycze and Piastów.
Opširnije: 1st national workshop in the framework of the Ready4NetZero project
The 6th and last online event of the Ready4NetZero capacity development programme was organized on March 12, 2024, a webinar about urban energy planning and the challenge of energy poverty. More than 45 participants engaged in the topic of this event. This webinar showcased the remarkable efforts of Bydgoszcz municipality in Poland, made towards achieving energy self-sufficiency.
Opširnije: Urban energy planning and the challenge of energy poverty - Highlights from Webinar #6
On 20 February 2024, The Romanian Network of Energy Cities / OER organized a webinar focused on efficient communication to involve the local communities in the common effort for climate action. More than 50 participants were present and engaged in the topic of this event, a part of the Ready4NetZero project.
Nearly 60 participants were interested in the fourth webinar, organized as part of the Ready4NetZero project, on 30 January 2024. They were able to learn more about the path of the Rhein-Hunsrück-Kreis region, which has become a benchmark for climate protection and energy innovation. The webinar was moderated by Ewa Iwaszuk of the Ecologic Institute gGmbH, the speaking guest being Mr. Bertram Fleck, a German politician who served as District Administrator of Rhein-Hunsrück-Kreis from 1989 to 2015. Mr. Fleck is known for his advocacy of decentralized energy generation and for leading the district's transition to renewable energy.
Opširnije: Energy revolution in Rhein-Hunsrück-Kreis - highlitghts from webinar #4
On January 9th, 2024, the third Ready4NetZero webinar hosted a discussion with climate action community engagement experts, which was attended by nearly 70 participants. During the webseminar moderated by Linda Mederake from Ecologic Institute gGmbH, the importance of the Ready4NetZero project was highlighted. The project aims to develop a Guide to Developing Local Climate Neutral Strategies, which includes case studies, key elements, measures, and strategies related to climate neutrality. The webseminar featured three guests from the German municipalities of Osnabrück, Ahrweiler, and Kempten, who shared their success stories of engaging citizens in the journey toward a low-emission future.
Opširnije: Engaging Citizens for Climate Neutrality - highlitghts from webinar #3
Consorțiul Ready4NetZero are plăcerea de a-i invita pe cei interesați la Webinar-ul #3 “Implicarea Cetățenilor pentru Neutralitate Climatică”, organizat în cadrul proiectului EUKI Ready4NetZero.
În parcursul către neutralitate climatică, implicarea cetățenilor și planificarea participativă au un rol crucial din mai multe perspective precum asigurarea transparenței în procesul decizional, a unei guvernări deschise și a asumării deciziilor de către public. Implicarea comunității în acțiunile privind clima contribuie la consolidarea încrederii, a incluziunii și a responsabilității în urmărirea unor soluții pentru zero emisii. Cu toate acestea, numeroase municipalități se confruntă cu dificultăți în implicarea cetățenilor și în planificarea participativă, la fel ca și în cazul îndeplinirii așteptărilor privind integrarea feedback-ului public în strategiile și măsurile locale.
Opširnije: Webinar-#3 “Implicarea Cetățenilor pentru Neutralitate Climatică”
The second Ready4NetZero webinar, part of a capacity building series, organized on 21nd of November 2023, hosted over 46 participants: city officials and municipal staff from Croatia, Hungary, Poland and Romania. The event had a highlight on the city of Zagreb and its financial strategy, in the light of their climate transition process. Another important topic on the agenda was the City of Zagreb's Energy Information Centre, a valuable resource for citizens seeking information on renewable energy sources.
The first Ready4NetZero webinar from a capacity building series, organized in mid-September 2023, hosted over 50 participants: city officials and municipal staff from Croatia, Hungary, Poland and Romania. Eager to debate the challenges that European municipalities are facing in their paths towards climate-neutral cities, participants engaged in dialogue with the guest speaker, Helmut Muthig, a certified physicist and Managing Director of an MBDA company, known for his expertise in dealing with Climate Changes and Energy Transition.
Opširnije: Possible way to self-sufficiency and climate neutrality - highlitghts from webinar #1
European Union aims to become the world’s first climate neutral territory. To achieve this goal, action is needed at all levels, including the local one. More than half of Europe’s urban population lives in small and medium-sized cities, which have a key role to play in reducing greenhouse gases emissions. Local governments become more and more committed to climate action, however often they have limited staff capacity, restricted financial resources and knowledge gaps that hamper ambitious, coordinated local efforts to become more climate friendly.
Poland, Croatia, Hungary, Romania and Germany have joined forces to support local authorities from central and south-eastern Europe in developing, monitoring and implementing climate neutrality strategies, thus contributing to the EU's 2050 targets.